January Monthly Special
Bring everything up-to-date for your pet in January & get $10 off.
Dogs and cats often mask signs of illness. As loving owners, we need to be observant of subtle signs, such as, hiding, drinking or urinating more than normal, shaking/trembling, lack of appetite, etc. Regular check ups, vaccinations, intestinal parasite and heartworm/tick disease screening, and blood work can keep your pet happy and healthy. And if we catch an early onset of disease, it can save you money and heartache in the long run.
February Monthly Special
Bring your pet in for a complete dental prophy and get $75 off.
Periodontal disease is the most common disease of both cats and dogs, with 85% having some form of it. Although we brush our teeth a few times daily and think nothing of going to the dentist every 6 months, we are often shocked if our pets need their teeth cleaned yearly. Bacteria in the mouth from infected teeth and gums quickly enters the bloodstream, spreading infection to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Have yearly exams by your vet, and call for an appointment sooner if you notice bad breath, decreased appetite, drooling, or pawing at the mouth. Let’s keep the gateway to the rest of the body healthy!
March Monthly Special – $20 off Blood Panels
This blood work gives your pet’s doctor a look at bodily functions and will be used as a comparison as your pet ages.
April Monthly Special – National Heartworm Awareness Month
Get $10 off your dog’s annual heartworm testing
Heartworms are transmitted into your pet’s bloodstream via infected mosquitoes. The microfilaria develop into larvae, then into adult worms that live in the heart and pulmonary (lungs) arteries. Signs include coughing, lethargy, poor hair coat, lung disease, hear failure, or sudden death. This disease is preventable by giving a monthly heartworm pill (topical varieties are also available starting at the age of 6 weeks) for the pet’s entire life. Treatment is harsh to the pet and costly to the owner. Annual blood testing is highly recommended to assure effectiveness.
May – Chip Your Pet Month
Microchip your pet with a registration in May and get $15 off.
Ten million pets a year get lost. Without proper identification, 90% do not return home. A permanent I.D. greatly increases your chances of reuniting with your pet. It is a quick procedure to inject a rice-sized microchip under the pet’s skin. Shelters and vet hospitals all over the country have scanners to read your pet’s personalized number and get your pet safely back in your hands
June – Pocoshock Dental Month
Bring your pet in for a complete dental prophy and get $75 off.
Periodontal disease is the most common disease of both cats and dogs, with 85% having some form of it. Although we brush our teeth a few times daily and think nothing of going to the dentist every 6 months, we are often shocked if our pets need their teeth cleaned yearly. Bacteria in the mouth from infected teeth and gums quickly enters the bloodstream, spreading infection to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Have yearly exams by your vet, and call for an appointment sooner if you notice bad breath, decreased appetite, drooling, or pawing at the mouth. Let’s keep the gateway to the rest of the body healthy!
July – Pocoshock Special
Get 25% off your pet’s Intestinal Parasite Screening
Intestinal parasites, are commonly known as worms. These invaders live in the pet’s intestinal tract and can cause diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, anemia, lack of appetite, weight loss, and even death in severe cases. Many of these parasites, which can include some bacteria species, can be transmitted to humans (children are especially vulnerable). Although some can be seen with the naked eye (roundworms & tapeworms), many can not and must be observed under a microscope by a trained technician (hookworms, whipworms, coccidia, giardia). Some worms are passed through the mother’s milk and others are picked up in environment. The best method of control is prevention. Several intestinal parasite screening are performed on puppies and kittens, and then at least yearly for adults. Dewormers available from our veterinarian are the most effective, and monthly use of a heartworm preventative that contains intestinal parasite control can go a long way towards controlling these unwanted pests.
August – Pocoshock Special
Bring everything up-to-date for your pet and get $10 off
Dogs and cats often mask signs of illness. As loving owners, we need to be observant of subtle signs, such as, hiding, drinking or urinating more than normal, shaking/trembling, lack of appetite, etc. Regular check ups, vaccinations, intestinal parasite and heartworm/tick disease screening, and blood work can keep your pet happy and healthy. And if we catch an early onset of disease, it can save you money and heartache in the long run.
September – Senior Health Care Month
Save $20 on Senior Wellness & Dental Examination
It is a fact of life that our pets age at a faster rate than we do. Therefore, its is even more important that geriatric (over the age of 8 in general) have an exam twice a year. Blood work can help determine if all organs are functioning well, and supplements for arthritis and other “old age ailments” can be discussed. Geriatric can still mean having an active, comfortable lifestyle.
October – Pocoshock Dental Month
Bring your pet in for a complete dental prophy and get $75 off.
Periodontal disease is the most common disease of both cats and dogs, with 85% having some form of it. Although we brush our teeth a few times daily and think nothing of going to the dentist every 6 months, we are often shocked if our pets need their teeth cleaned yearly. Bacteria in the mouth from infected teeth and gums quickly enters the bloodstream, spreading infection to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Have yearly exams by your vet, and call for an appointment sooner if you notice bad breath, decreased appetite, drooling, or pawing at the mouth. Let’s keep the gateway to the rest of the body healthy!
November – Holiday Safety for Pets
1/2 off pedicures.
December – Holiday Safety for Pets
1/2 off pedicures.
It is important to be extra vigilant about our pets’ safety during the hectic holiday season. It is important to tell guests and family members to not indulge the pets. Many foods we enjoy are toxic to dogs and cats, such as chocolate, alcohol, bread dough, macadamia nuts, bones, and fatty foods. Holiday plants and decorations can also be dangerous if ingested. Keep an extra eye on doorways so pets can not escape, and give them a quiet place to rest and de-stress away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. If you are in doubt about anything your pet has eaten and your can not reach a vet, the number for poison Control is: 1-888-426-4435 or 1-800-213-6680.